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Ugur Colak

Urban and Regional Planner / Photographer


2007, Galata Fotoğrafhanesi Murat Yaykın Workshop, a workshop on urban transformation. Istanbul

2009 Red Photography "Re-generation " exhibition, Istanbul

2009 "Confrontation 17 August earthquake memorial program , " performance. Kocaeli 2010,

2010"Fiction", Group Exhibition, Istanbul Memories Photo Center, Istanbul

2011 Mehmet Aksoy Humanity Monument National Photography Competition Exhibition, Istanbul

2014 Me, always a LessMore, Group Exhibition  Muse İstanbul, İstanbul

2015  “Artist 2015 ”  / 25. İnternational İstanbul  ArtFair, Asfalt Gallery

2015   “Bereketli Topraklar Üzerinde” , Art01 Adana Çağdaş Sanat Buluşması, Hilton, Adana

2015 Redefinning The Space of Everyday Life, Group Exibition Gaia Gallery, İstanbul

2016  “Silent Dialogues” , Group Exhibition,  Asfalt Gallery, İstanbul

2016 Les Glaneurs et Les Glaneuses; Group Exibition Versus Gallery, İstanbul

2019  “Artist 2019 ”  / 29. İnternational İstanbul  ArtFair, Galeri Mod 



2011 Mehmet Aksoy in Kars Monument to Humanity National Photography Competition, "Emine Ceylan" Special Jury Award

2012 Oxford Programme for the Future of Cities, Future of Cities Photography Competition first prize



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